I Met My Partner At A Bar And He’s 40 Years Older Than Me

I knew I wanted him from the moment we first embraced

Jamie Alexis
5 min readApr 29, 2020
photo courtesy of author

His hair is a beautiful ombre of silver.

Dressed to perfection with a double-breasted sport coat, slacks, and vintage leather dress shoes; he is anything but inconspicuous.

I watched from a corner booth as he went from table to table smiling and welcoming patrons. Who was this classy, charismatic guy?

I can’t stop smiling I know this smile is plastered to my face and it’s not going away. I have only experienced this smile one other time in my life when I was 18.

I was in love with a pharmacist named Bill who was 3 times my age.

The feeling is so rare I knew it could be love. Freedom was most important to me, I didn’t want to fall in love. Just the possibility of being tied down again scared me to death.

I moved back to Missouri after a tumultuous 3-year relationship to begin a new life. The promise I made to myself was to focus on me, no dating. However, that plan quickly dematerialized when my spontaneous nature took over. I was so drawn to this man. I told my friend, “ if he comes to our table anything goes.”



Jamie Alexis

Cats are Life. When my baby plays the sax I’m alright. Living a May/December paradise. what I've discovered on a long road to peace🌹✌